girls flying baloons

Harikar NGO

Harikar NGO is a neutral, non-governmental,
non-profit humanitarian organization.

About us

Programme statistics for the current year. .








A society where, every individual’s right to life, protection, education, and participation assured.

Harikar is a neutral non-governmental humanitarian organization, which believes that in every aspect of life priority must be given to children and women.

It commits itself to ensure particular protection for the very disadvantaged children and women, such as children who are born with chronic/abnormal diseases, disabled children, children with extreme poverty, victims of war and widows as well as woman headed families.

Harikar assists in upgrading of the health service and promotion of technical cooperation, and –within the available resources- to promote/develop the infrastructure of the basic services. It also looks forward to participate- within its resources- in the process of rebuilding of the new Iraq.

In close coordination with the other specialized agencies, Harikar assists in the improvement of nutrition, recreation, economic and other aspects of environmental hygiene.

Harikar believes that education is a fundamental right and works towards its promotion; in this aspect, it strives towards ensuring basic education for all children irrespective of gender, religion, race and ethnicities.

Harikar works with all national and international organizations as well as government bodies towards the realization of the sustainable human development objectives and contributes towards the achievement of the vision of piece and social progress.

Harikar NGO is founded with the purpose of developing, promoting and supporting civil society through offering an open space for all individuals living within Duhok governorate, Kurdistan Region and whole Iraq to be informed and participate in realizing her/his rights.

Harikar NGO, pay special attention to human rights, as regards to equity between males and females, maternity, childhood, extreme poor/ disadvantaged and vulnerable children through organizing awareness courses on civil rights.

Harikar NGO works and coordinates with local Governmental Institutions, Civil Society Organizations, United Nation Agencies, International and local Non-Governmental Organizations.

Humanity: We respect every human being regardless of his/her gender, ethnicity, religion, culture, believes and status.

Integrety We ensure the highest standards of personal and organizational honesty, transparency and behavior.

Accountability We are responsible for our decisions, actions and accountable to our partners, donors, staff and most of all, to our beneficiaries.

Impartiality We take decisions and actions based on beneficiaries’ needs and avert from any political, commercial, ethical, religious and social interest.

Trust We work to build the trust of the communities with which we work.

Commitment We are committed to provide the best possible quality of services to our beneficiaries.

Reports/ Articles

Harikar Annual Report 2023

Harikar Annual Report 2023

Harikar NGO’s Executive Director participated in Global Refugee Forum - 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland

Harikar NGO’s Executive Director participated in Global Refugee Forum - 2023 in Geneva, Sw...

Harikar/UNHCR Outreach Monthly Report November

Harikar/UNHCR Outreach Monthly Report November

Sixteen Days of Activism Against Gender Based-Violence 2023 Harikar Report

Sixteen Days of Activism Against Gender Based-Violence 2023 Harikar Report

Harikar NGO’s Success in C4JR Board Member Election

Harikar NGO’s Success in C4JR Board Member Election

International Diabetes Day

International Diabetes Day

Harikar/UNHCR Outreach Monthly Report October

Harikar/UNHCR Outreach Monthly Report October

Harikar/UNHCR Outreach Monthly Report September

Harikar/UNHCR Outreach Monthly Report September

Celebrating World Tourism Day

Celebrating World Tourism Day

Celebrating International Day of peace

Celebrating International Day of peace

Harikar/UNHCR Outreach Monthly Report August

Harikar/UNHCR Outreach Monthly Report August

Harikar/UNHCR Outreach Monthly Report July

Harikar/UNHCR Outreach Monthly Report July

Celebrating International Youth Day Empowering Young Refugees Through Art

Celebrating International Youth Day Empowering Young Refugees Through Art

Training: Empowering Agencies and Governmental Entities to Address Gender-Based Violence.

Training: Empowering Agencies and Governmental Entities to Address Gender-Based Violence.

Harikar/UNHCR Outreach Monthly Report June

Harikar/UNHCR Outreach Monthly Report June

Harikar/UNHCR Outreach Monthly Report May

Harikar/UNHCR Outreach Monthly Report May

Harikar picnic for the year 2023.

Harikar picnic for the year 2023.

Harikar/UNHCR Outreach Monthly Report April

Harikar/UNHCR Outreach Monthly Report April

Harikar/UNHCR Outreach Monthly Report March

Harikar/UNHCR Outreach Monthly Report March

Harikar Annual Report 2022

Harikar Annual Report 2022

Harikar-SCI/SIDA Community center in Chamishko Camp, 2022 report.

Harikar-SCI/SIDA Community center in Chamishko Camp, 2022 report.

Harikar/UNHCR World Refugee Day Open Space Event

Harikar/UNHCR World Refugee Day Open Space Event

Celebrating International Day of The Girl Child.

Celebrating International Day of The Girl Child.

Harikar/Unicef Juvenile Justice Quarter Three Narrative Progress Report

Harikar/Unicef Juvenile Justice Quarter Three Narrative Progress Report

Round Table Discussion on Alternatives to Detention and diversion System.

Round Table Discussion on Alternatives to Detention and diversion System.

Capacity Building Training for Police officers on Child Justice Standards.

Capacity Building Training for Police officers on Child Justice Standards.

Harikar Annual Report 2021

Harikar Annual Report 2021

Harikar Annual Report 2020

Harikar Annual Report 2020

Harikar Annual Report 2019

Harikar Annual Report 2019

Harikar Annual Report 2018

Harikar Annual Report 2018

Harikar Annual Report 2017

Harikar Annual Report 2017

Our Expertise

We have expertise in a wide range of humanitarian and technical departments.

Awareness raising

Harikar implements a variety of awareness raising activities, such as workshops, trainings, and community events. Harikar NGO also works with the media and utilizes social media to promote awareness of these issues and to challenge negative stereotypes and attitudes.

Case management

Harikar has extensive experience in providing case management services to survivors of gender-based violence (GBV), child protection cases, and other vulnerable populations in Iraq. Case management is a holistic approach to supporting survivors that includes providing them with access to a range of services, such as medical care, psychosocial support, legal assistance, and economic empowerment opportunities. Harikar NGO’s case management services are tailored to the individual needs of each survivor and are provided in a confidential and supportive environment.

Child protection

Harikar has successfully implemented 5 Child Protection (CP) projects in Iraq since 2017, with a primary focus on aiding Syrian refugees, internally displaced person(IDPs), and vulnerable children and youth. These initiatives have been specifically designed to improve access to education, child protection services, livelihoods and structured unstructured psychosocial support for this demographic.

Harikar’s CP projects encompass a wide range of activities, including providing psychosocial support and life skills training for children and youth, establishing mother toddler groups and early childhood care and development (ECCD) activities, supporting youth clubs, regular sessions focused on resilience activities for both children and parents, offering multipurpose cash assistance and cash for protection to children and their families, providing life skills and vocational training for youth, business grants, apprenticeship services, hosting home-based Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) awareness sessions for children and families, and delivering case management services for children and youth. Furthermore, support was extended to duty bearers and community structures, including child protection committees and child rights clubs, to ensure the protection of at-risk girls and boys.

These projects have had a significant impact on the lives of children and youth in need, contributing to the creation of a safer and more nurturing environment.


Harikar has implemented 18 Gender-Based Violence (GBV) projects since 2017, with a focus on Syrian and non-Syrian refugees, internally displaced individuals (IDPs), and vulnerable women and girls. These projects have aimed to reduce the risk of GBV, improve the quality of GBV response services, and strengthen the capacity of government and civil society institutions to prevent and respond to GBV.

Harikar’s GBV projects included a range of activities, such as providing case management, counseling, and psychosocial support structures for GBV survivors and their families, raising awareness on GBV issues, and promoting community engagement and mobilization to prevent and respond to GBV. They also offered vocational training and income-generating projects to empower women, men, boys, and girls economically and reduce their vulnerability to GBV. The projects strengthened the referral pathway for GBV survivors to ensure they had access to the services they needed, conducted safety audits and other GBV assessments to identify gaps, needs, and risks related to GBV, provided training on GBV prevention and response for various actors, including community members and leaders, and organized international events related to GBV.

Harikar’s GBV projects have made a significant impact on the lives of refugees, IDPs, and vulnerable women, men, boys and girls in need. By reducing the risk of GBV, improving the quality of GBV response services, and empowering women, men, boys and girls, Harikar NGO is helping to create a safer and more equitable society for all. Additionally, Harikar is a co-chair of the GBV working group in Duhok, and a member of the PSEA Iraq network and of the GBVIMS taskforce since 2017.

Genderal protection

Harikarhas implemented a wide range of protection projects since 2017, targeting populations of Syrian and non-Syrian refugees and asylum seekers, internally displaced persons (IDPs), and returnees. These projects have aimed at promoting protection including but not limited to, the improvement of access to legal assistance, registration, psychosocial support, education, and other essential basic services, while also promoting peaceful coexistence between refugees, IDPs, and host communities.

Harikar dedicated its efforts to enhancing access to legal assistance and remedies, elevating the quality of registration and profiling for refugees and IDPs, and fostering peaceful coexistence between refugees, IDPs, and the host communities. Additionally, Harikar provided crucial psychosocial support and GBV prevention and response services in camps and urban areas, and offered free legal and social guidance, with a special focus on vulnerable groups such as women and children. Harikar was passionate about raising awareness regarding fundamental human rights, child protection, women’s rights, issues related to sexual and gender-based violence (S/GBV), legal matters, and health and hygiene education within the displaced communities. Furthermore, Harikar empowered IDP and refugee youth, men, and women through skill development, civic education, and sports activities, and worked tirelessly to improve access to quality education for children and adolescents. The organization’s commitment extended to safeguarding the physical and mental well-being of those with acute needs due to conflict, and they strived to address critical living standard issues by expanding access to essential services. Harikar also played a crucial role in strengthening access to specialized protection services for returnees and IDPs in Ninawa and Duhok governorates.

In light of the developmental phase, and even progressing beyond, Harikar, since the beginning of 2023, in collaboration with UNHCR, is implementing an initiative that aims at enabling the targeted communities including Syrian and non-Syrian refugees and asylum seekers and IDPs, managing, representing, and leading themselves. At the same time, the initiative is advancing plans to enhance the communication between communities and service providers and support community-led protection response and social cohesion initiatives.

Harikar’s protection projects have made a significant impact on the lives of refugees, IDPs, returnees and the host communities. By providing essential services and promoting peaceful coexistence, Harikar is helping to build a better future for all.


Harikar has undertaken four Health projects since 2017, with a primary focus on vulnerable young people, women, and girls, as well as crisis-affected populations in general. These projects aimed to enhance access to reproductive health services, address gender-based violence, and strengthen early warning disease detection.

Harikar’s Health projects included key activities such as coordinating with the Iraqi Ministry of Health to ensure integrated high-quality reproductive health services, establishing and reinforcing programs on reproductive health, social cohesion, and civic engagement for vulnerable young people, especially marginalized adolescent girls in humanitarian settings. They also conducted initiatives to prevent gender-based violence and provide information on related services, offering a range of reproductive health services, including antenatal and postnatal care, family planning, deliveries, gynecological services, and clinical management of rape. Moreover, Harikar NGO carried out COVID-19 awareness campaigns for pregnant and new mothers and other community members.

The impact of Harikar’s Health projects has been significant, improving the lives and well-being of vulnerable women and girls.

Legal assistance

Harikar is a pioneer in providing legal assistance to refugees, asylum seekers, and IDPs, with 17 years of experience. Leveraging its technical capacity, Harikar’s legal teams offer awareness, counseling, and representation through static clinics and mobile helpdesks in camps and urban areas. Moreover, they actively engage in civil registration projects, playing a crucial role in preventing statelessness through documentation initiatives.


Harikar has implementing five Livelihood projects since 2017, primarily focused on aiding conflict-affected residents, returnees, internally displaced individuals (IDPs), and host communities. These initiatives have been designed to enhance access to food security, agricultural assets and inputs, and livelihood opportunities.

Harikar’s Livelihood projects encompass a wide range of activities, including irrigation rehabilitation, agricultural techniques training, rehabilitation of marketing centers, improved marketing techniques training, financial management and accounting training, provision of agriculture inputs and assets, Cash for Work programs involving cleaning irrigation canals and water networks, labor market assessments, micro-enterprise training, distribution of business grants, business mentorship, apprenticeship support services, and job counseling and referrals.

These Livelihood projects have had a significant impact on the lives of conflict-affected individuals and communities. By providing essential support, training, and opportunities, Harikar has aided people in rebuilding their livelihoods and creating a better future for themselves and their families. Additionally, Harikar is an active member of the Climate Resilient Livelihoods/Agriculture Task Force (CRLA TF).

PSEA trainings

Harikar provides PSEA trainings to a variety of stakeholders, including humanitarian workers and government officials, and community members. PSEA trainings help participants to understand the risks of sexual exploitation and abuse in humanitarian and development settings and to prevent and respond to these risks. Harikar NGO’s PSEA trainings are based on international best practices.

Psychosocial support (PSS)

Harikar provides a range of PSS services to survivors of GBV, child protection cases, and other vulnerable populations in Iraq. PSS services help survivors to cope with the psychological and emotional impact of their experiences. Harikar NGO’s PSS services are provided by trained and experienced professionals and are tailored to the individual needs of each survivor.


Harikar has successfully implemented six Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) projects since 2017, with a primary focus on internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees, and host communities. These projects have been dedicated to enhancing access to safe water and sanitation facilities, promoting hygiene practices, and reinforcing water conservation efforts.

The WASH projects conducted by Harikar have included a range of activities, such as drilling boreholes and constructing water networks in host communities, supplying camps with medical resources and enhancing solid waste management, rehabilitating water and sanitation networks and boreholes in camps and urban areas, providing vocational training on WASH and care and maintenance of WASH facilities, distributing water filters and hygiene kits, conducting hygiene promotion campaigns, developing and implementing a multi-sectoral water conservation concept paper, and offering safe water, sanitation facilities, and hygiene promotion in underserved informal settlements and critical shelters.

The impact of Harikar’s WASH projects has been significant, benefiting IDPs, returnees, and host communities. These efforts have played a crucial role in creating a healthier and more sustainable future by delivering essential services and promoting WASH practices.

Agricultural inputs distribution

Provision of required services to destitute people is not a task of charity, rather an act of humanity and justice.

- Salah Y. Majid


Our Office

Head Quarter

+964 773 697 1165

Australia St, Media Quarter, 99448 Duhok, KR-Iraq